Peter J. Van Bergen
Peter J. Van Bergen
Protecting today's innovations to create tomorrow's icons.

Patent law, intellectual property & more



Understanding the intricacies of intellectual property law is never easy. However, with Peter’s assistance, you’ll learn everything you need to know to protect your innovation. All services provided are customized to your needs with the goal of making your business innovations proprietary and more valuable.  Services are provided on an hourly or project-basis.


Intellectual Property Services

Intellectual property (i.e., patents, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets) can be a valuable asset to any business. Even minor innovations can be profitable when implemented within the scope of a full business plan. 

Tailored counseling, planning and implementation of intellectual property rights can include the filing and prosecution of patent applications and/or trademark applications. For more information on how to patent a product and protect your investment, read this.

Peter works with clients and their particular business plan to provide an intellectual property "road map" tailored for the business's particular goals.

These services are offered on a fixed fee basis and quotes will be given ahead of the patent or trademark process. Contact Peter to learn more.


Patent and Trademark Preparation

When filing a patent, there are specific rules and guidelines that need to be followed that can be quite confusing. With Peter’s expertise, he ensures that every part of your patent application is completed to meet the U.S. Patent Office set of rules and regulations.

Like patents, trademarks need to be prepared to the letter of the law to ensure your company’s ideas and products are protected from imitations. For some quick-tips and FAQs on patents and trademarks, click here.


Intellectual Property Counseling

Peter offers counseling and consultation services to help you understand the intricacies of intellectual property law. Learn about your rights as a patent holder, how to defend your intellectual property from competition and what to do in the event your patent or trademark is infringed upon.

 Get the tools you need everything to know how to patent your product.


Categories of Patent Applications

Peter’s past patent applications are as diverse as his experience. A variety of applications have been successfully submitted and granted across the following industries.

• Atmospheric Measurement
• Computer and Software Systems
• Business Systems and Methods
• Aeronautic and Aerospace Systems
• Electrical/Electronic Systems

• Sports and Fitness
• Laser-Based Systems
• Concrete Construction
• Building Construction

• Medical Equipment
• Industrial Systems
• Acoustic Systems
• Image Processing

• Military Systems
• Apparel
• Sonar
• Energy Systems


Contact Peter

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 “My experience with Peter is all positive.  He is an extremely quick study, never failing to quickly grasp new ideas.  He knows his business, is very efficient, and a pleasure to work with (i.e., really nice guy).  Peter's perfect track record, 100% success, on our 12 patent applications, speaks for itself.”

/  Larry Gordley,  CEO of Global Atmospheric Technologies and Sciences /